Kennesaw, May 3, 2017 ― VJI President, Valerie Jordan, lead the first Enrich Meeting for 2017 on May 3. The entire V Jordan Inc. (VJI) team comes together three to four times per year for special off-site “Enrich” meetings to discuss ideas and ways to enrich the client experience, the employee experience, and the prospect experience. The Enrich meetings are apart from other company meetings and are dedicated solely to enriching experiences from three perspectives – the perspective of client, the perspective of the employee, and the perspective of the prospect.
Inside VJI
VJI’s Courtney Cole Makes the Cover of IMPACT – Winter Edition 2017
Kennesaw, April 24, 2017 ― VJI’s Client Development Manager Courtney Cole had the honor of representing the Georgia Chapter for Women in Manufacturing in their publication of IMPACT Winter 2017 edition. The cover of the magazine captures all the women who visited Masada Bakery in Norcross, GA back on January 25,2017. Before the plant tour there was a networking opportunity over breakfast which came straight from the oven. Cole said, “The smell of fresh baked artisan bread and pastries was amazing and delicious.” To kick off the plant tour Women in Manufacturing Georgia Chapter presented Masada Bakery a Certificate of Appreciation for everything they have done for women in the industry.
Cole Attends Women in Automotive Conference
Kennesaw, April 24, 2017 ― As a member of Women in Manufacturing, VJI’s Client Development Manager, Courtney Cole was invited to attend the 6th Annual Women in Automotive Conference in Troy, Michigan. The Association of Woman in Automotive teamed up with Women in Manufacturing to host the event. The one-day conference included several keynote presentations from experts within the automobile industry as well as opportunities for networking with other women in the industry.
Scott and Wiggins Receive Sales Tax Certificates in Cincinnati
Kennesaw April 23, 2017 ― Matt Scott and Chris Wiggins attended the Institute For Professionals in Taxation’s (IPT) Sales Tax School II from April 23, 2017 through April 28, 2017. The school was held at the Marriot Kingsgate Conference Center at the University of Cincinnati in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Jordan Attends Social Media Workshop Sponsored by GA Manufacturing Alliance
Kennesaw, April 19, 2017 ― VJI President Valerie Jordan attended a Social Media Workshop sponsored by GA Manufacturing Alliance. The workshop was presented by Amanda Luton, Founder, The Magnolia Marketing Group. The workshop covered many topics from selecting social media platforms, to assessing your current social media presence, to creating an 8-point social media strategy, and to tools to manage social media.
Courtney Cole Participates in the 2017 Color Run
Kennesaw, April 1, 2017 ― VJI Client Development Manager Courtney Cole participated in the Atlanta Color Run at the Atlanta Motor Speedway with her longtime friend Ashley Grant. The Color Run, the happiest 5k on the planet, comes to Atlanta once a year celebrating healthiness, happiness, and individuality. It has had over 6 million runners participate worldwide in over 35 countries.