Compliance Review
Our tax experts will perform a wing-to-wing examination of your company’s current sales and use tax compliance procedures or the procedures used at your company’s new acquisitions. Our analysis will include examining all procedures on the sales side of your operations including nexus issues, exemption certificate management, collection and remittance processes, and tax return accuracy. We will also review the purchasing side of your company including identifying tax overpayments and underpayments, taxes paid to suppliers, and use tax accrual procedures. Our team will identify gaps in your current processes and make recommendations for new procedures that will ensure better tax compliance in the future. We will also provide a Report of Findings for you that will document the steps we took for the entire compliance review, the gaps we found in your compliance process, and our recommendations for compliance improvements. We can, upon request, even develop maps for you that show the existing process and the improved process that we recommend.